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Talent Through Technology


Mon - Fri: 8am - 5.30pm



023 9387 6400

Talent Through Technology

The Largest Online Careers Seminar 'The Big Assembly'

Posted by TalentPortal Team on Feb 10, 2017 3:01:22 PM

‘The Big Assembly’ taking place during National Apprenticeship Week attempts to set the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD™ for the largest online careers advice seminar EVER.

We are proud to be working with schools, young people, parents, careers advisors and employers from across the nation who are invited at 08.45, on 7 March 2017 to take part in ‘The Big Assembly’. This will be a live video stream to thousands across the UK wanting to find out more about apprenticeships and career options post 16 years of age.

GetMyFirstJob are partnering with The East and West Midlands Apprenticeship Ambassador Network and Workpays to create this ground-breaking event, with sponsorship from The National Apprenticeship Service, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership.

GetMyFirstJob are working with Employers across the country including East Midlands Chamber, Boots, Toyota, Highways England, Nottingham City Homes, The BBC, Derry Building Services, Derby Homes, Busy Bees, Young Professionals, Nottingham City Homes, EMH Homes, Futures Housing Group, Nottingham City Council and Uniper. These employers have offered sponsorship and a selection of career based prizes for young people which will be awarded during the presentation including shadowing a CEO, being involved in a Boots product launch and much more.

Along with our partners we aim to get over 5,000 log-ins and set a new Guinness World Records title in the process, it promises to be an exciting and memorable event.

The event will be Introduced by Robert Halfon, the Minister for Apprenticeships, and combining commissioned films by and with apprentices plus live Q&A from expert advisors, the webinar will be focused on career options including apprenticeships.

To get involved pre-register to log on to the 30 minute online careers presentation at www.bigassembly.org.

The Apprenticeship Ambassador Network (AAN) is a group of employers whose main aim is to spearhead the drive to engage new employers to commit to apprenticeship delivery in England.

Workpays is a midlands based organisation committed to providing information, guidance and training necessary to enter the labour market. Funded directly by the National Apprenticeship Service, Workpays provide many free programmes and impartial information for students, teachers and school. Visit their site here: www.workpays.co.uk

The Local Enterprise Partnership for Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Our vision is a more prosperous, better connected, and increasingly resilient and competitive economy. Visit their site here: www.d2n2lep.org/Home

The National Apprenticeship Service is part of the Skills Funding Agency and supports the delivery of apprenticeships and traineeships in England. The Skills Funding Agency is an executive agency of the Department for Education. Visit their website here: www.getingofar.gov.uk


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