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Talent Through Technology


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023 9387 6400

Talent Through Technology

Results Day Free Resources

Posted by TalentPortal Team on Aug 16, 2017 11:13:19 AM

A Level Results Day and GCSE Results Day are key dates- young people across the country are at the beginning of their next step.

As part of our strategy to engage more people with apprenticeships, and to help and support young people, schools, advisors and parents on these days, we have created some great resources to download, so that everyone has the best information possible to make their decision right for them.

You can visit our free results day resources here where we have different posters and leaflets that you can download for FREE.

During Results Day 2017 we are also running a competition for students to be in the chance of winning a Macbook Air or one of three £50 ASOS vouchers. To win the MacBook Air all you have to do is sign up to www.getmyfirstjob.co.uk which allows you to search and apply for great apprenticeships in your area. To win the ASOS vouchers, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Details of which can be found here.  Eligible to 16-24 year olds, young people can enter until the end of August.

We have a created a new poster that illustrates all the options that young people face and where they will end up depending on which path they take- young people are confronted by more choice, more uncertainty, more information (and mis-information) than ever before when it comes to their education, work and career options. Apprenticeships now offer even more choice than they ever have compared to traditional academic and work paths, we wanted to look at the key decision points facing Generation Z in 2017. 5 key choices, 3 paths, many options.

We engage candidates across the country in a variety of ways. We use the power of social media through various different means; on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram where we publish a variety of engaging content, in the form of blogs, articles and infographics. We have also worked hard to develop partnerships with a variety of organisations such as the National Citizen Service, City&Guilds Group, YourLife, Tomorrow’s People, Princes Trust, YourFeed, SEMTA, Kaplan and colleges and training providers across the UK to help young people at every stage. Last year we also attended events such as Skills London that allowed us to spread the word about apprenticeships to the thousands of young people that attended. 

If you wish to seek advice on anything apprenticeship, tweet us using #askgetmyfirstjob, with any questions that you may have.

Topics: Apprenticeship, Apprenticeships, Service, Careers, Results day, Resources

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